Cossacks 3 Multiplayer

Cossacks 3 is a rare combination of war, economy, army developing, building and upgrading that couldn’t be found in any game for the last 15 years. This deep RTS gameplay will return old fans in the golden ages of the genre and give newcomers a unique experience.
The game “Cossacks 3” was not that simple to play. And so here we present the most useful tips that will help answer the most exciting questions “How do I develop in the game properly?”. “Economics” – Tips and TricksThis article includes lots of tips, such as which troops are best to train or which building to build first. Here you will find several valuable and useful tips to help you defeat the enemy. «Cossacks 3″ continues the spirit of the series, so the game is dynamic, even if you compare it with other similar RTS. So units (workers, troops) should be trained as soon as possible, because you have to fight in the “Cossacks” frequently enough.
This tip is connected with the previous one. In the game you have to build as many unit generating constructions as possible. The same can be said about the buildings that affect the maximum number of your people. Try to build up your military and economic power at every available opportunity. City Safety is a very important part of the gameplay. If your city falls, then defeat is inevitable.
So in order to protect your city try to build the defense buildings, that can handle an incoming attach. For example, be sure to build defensive towers. It is really necessary to have as many peasants as you can, to send them to work in the forests, fields and mines immediately after building. And that’s not the their only function, because you need have a handful of people to be engaged in the construction of buildings.
Make sure you have solid, established economics! First of all, you need to have constant access to essential resources. Second, it is necessary to continuously improve the infrastructure of your city.
It is worth mentioning because of the fact that some players are addicted to constant careless troops generation. Another important detail is food. Remember, or better note, that units consume food. If you plan (and you can’t do without it) to conduct a long war, then it is necessary to have a large number of farms.
And they need to be improved and to have the maximum number of farm peasants working. There is one special rule in the “Cossacks”: the more peasants (workers) are engaged in the construction of a building, the faster it will be built.
And because you need to construct a lot of buildings, this piece of advice is as relevant as ever. Getting upset because of troops loss is not worth it in “Cossacks”. The bottom line is that in the later stages of the game you can build the army blazingly fast.
In the end “wasting” your army in this kind of a game is a common thing. One of the most important parts of the city is its market. In the market, as expected, you will be able to trade / buy the necessary resources. And we should also note that in the multiplayer mode, the exchange rate is the same for absolutely all players. However, each transaction will have different prices, so we recommend to act before other players. The key to victory, as a rule, lies in the following parts: a huge extraction of resources, a couple urban centers, the increase of the regular army (up to a maximum amount), constant construction of new buildings and never-ending training! So if you have sufficient resources you can put relevant units in a kind of “infinite loop.” Training can be “paused” only if you do not have the resources or the number of units reached the maximum amount.
However, as soon as someone dies, the training restarts again. Another huge step to bring you closer to victory is an investment in new technology. For example, if you are sure you will be able to accurately reflect the attacks of the enemy, then be sure to invest all the remaining resources in the development of technologies. However, this does not mean that don’t need to study them up to this point.“Army” – Tips and Tricks. It is always recommended to try to fight at your own towers, or at well protected by archers. In other words, the most important battles should take place right at your walls.
So that you can effectively counterattack. Units must be selected properly. For example, in no case you should send your slow soldiers be sent to fight musketeers. Another example, a situation where there is an attack on the enemy’s fortifications without artillery – this is just pointless. Another tip – divide your army, creating a variety of reinforcements. And every reinforcement should kill a certain type of units. And this is very important, note the two examples above.
In the “Cossacks” quantity does not always speak about quality. Sometimes it is better to have an army, which includes a smaller number of soldiers, but more developed, in contrast to the huge enemy army, which has no improvements whatsoever. It is better to use light cavalry for fast attacks. It is especially effective when you want to attack poorly defended areas of the city, or when you can attack peasants.
Immediately after the raid you can tactically retreat, creating big problems for your opponent. Remember that you have the ability to capture the enemy’s artillery, but only if there are no soldiers around it. Although you can always kill them and the artillery will be in your hands. Again the light cavalry in this case is the best option for such a tactical maneuver. Quite often, in the course of campaign you have a limited amount of time. Therefore, wasting time is no good.
So if you have an army – attack. If you want to think, then put the game on pause. Scouts is a very important part of the gameplay.
They allow you to have an idea of the number of the enemy, to see where it’s going, where the structure is and much more. After all, they can give they can notify about the troops coming and prevent the attack on the city. If you are not going to attack, then it is best to place your troops around the city. In such a case that you can easily reflect the enemy’s attack and then counter-attack.“Arranging the troops ” – Tips and TricksEvery player in “Cossacks 3” should definitely understand what the battle outcome depends on how well your soldiers perform in the battle.
And their performance depends not only on the technology or the number of units, but also on the arrangement, and to arrange units properly you need an officer and a drummer. Both of these units can be constructed and trained in the barracks, but no sooner than academy is built. But that’s not all, because it is much more important to have a certain number of soldiers. For example, the arrangement of foot soldiers can consist of 36, 72, 120, 196 or 400. Another thing is the cavalry, where you can build 40, 90 or 160 units. Besides that, cavalry doesn’t require an officer.But why do we need to arrange units?
The fact is, that arranged soldiers get a variety of bonuses, such as a bonus to melee or ranged attack. There are similar bonuses for protection: protection from the distant or close combat. And another benefit of proper arrangement is that it helps you to manage your units: click one unit and all of the arrangement will be selected. All in all, there are three key arrangements to utilize. The first arrangement – “Linear”.
The army is built in length, with several ranks. This building is ideal for shooters. Each rank is exactly of the same length as the other one when it takes part in the battle, but if you create a rather long block, stretch the soldier too far – and the squad is less effective in combat. The second arrangement is “Column”.
In this arrangement, the soldiers form as even row, which is ideal for melee fighters. This is especially true in battle, in which the infantry is fighting against the cavalry. The third building – “square”. This arrangement is ideal for defensive action.
Best suited for artillery, which is located inside a closed ring. We recommend to form the ring with spearman and soldiers who have firearms.“Examples of arrangement” – Tips and TricksSince there quite a lot of units in “Cossacks 3”, you can try a variety of arrangements, one is more effective than the other. Here are a few examples of the arrangement, which have their bonuses and are pretty common. The first arrangement. You can place howitzers directly in front of the column of infantry.
You get something like a powerful shock group. The second arrangement. When you retreat or defend put a square consisting of infantry and artillery in the middle. It is best to use any long-range guns. After that give the command “hold territory.” Otherwise the soldiers will leave the place and guns. The third arrangement. Almost the same as the first one, but howitzers are in front of the linear row.
Besides that, you can use range soldiers instead of close combat ones. And if such a unit will face with anyone in the melee, it is best to move the gun to the back. The fourth arrangement.
It involves construction of a tower, inside which there are ranged soldiers surrounded by melee ones. Of course, it looks a lot like the second arrangement, however, in practice it is not so similar. The fifth arrangement.
This concerns the arrangement of artillery. Without the arrangement cannons are positioned exactly as shown above.
In arrangement itself the gun is put in a linear form. It is clear that they have so much more control. Without arrangement they are located close to each other in two lines.
On the one hand the arrangement is more compact, but on the other, the enemy artillery can destroy them much faster.«Arrangement of your shock group» – Tips and tricks. Infantry melee should stand in the front line. The most ideal unit on the front line is spearmen. They will attack well, training them is quite cheap and they are very effective against cavalry. Behind the spearmen it is recommended to put the howitzers.
They will be engaged in making “holes” in the defense of the enemy army, and thereby make the defense weaker. Right behind howitzers should go ranged units, preferably in a long line. In general, the most ideal one is the one they occupy by themselves (ie, automatically).
Right after the ranged units you should have the long-ranged artillery. We recommend to use it in order to hit the enemy forces, fortifications and artillery. Light Cavalry should be on the sides that will deal with enemy guns and musketeers. The next line should be dragoons. Yes, it is more sluggish compared to the light cavalry soldiers, but it can deal much more damage.
Perhaps this is the most ideal option for retreating musketeers. As for the heavy cavalry, it should be your support.
If you are too hard pressed, then the use of heavy cavalry, to equalize their chances in battle.“Advantages and disadvantages of units” – Tips and TricksAnd now it’s time to find out in more detail about what advantages and disadvantages different types of unit have in “Cossacks 3” game. This will help you not only to quickly understand the game, but also to plan some tactical schemes. Heavy cavalry. This unit as an effective one and is simply irreplaceable in almost every battle.
They are extremely useful for flank defense, and for the fast attacks of ranged units. However, it is not without flaws. The disadvantages include high cost and huge amount of time spent on training. Light cavalry.
This type of cavalry, on the contrary, is trained pretty quickly. A large number of these soldiers allows to break almost any enemy army. However, there is a disadvantage of a pretty little damage done, so the enemy should be often taken with numbers rather than force.
Fast cavalry. This is a great option for the battle against the musketeers and dragoons, as they are slow. Fast cavalry is ideally suitable for the destruction of troops located outside of the buildings. In general, the fast cavalry speaks for itself – it’s quick and sudden. Dragoons. This is a great option if you need to overcome the heavy cavalry, or musketeers.
However, it is worth remembering that dragoons are expensive. However, using them you can win a many battles. Musketeers (XVII century). These unit is a great one in terms of support.
Especially effective against infantry and light cavalry. In addition, the development of technology will enable you to use the musketeers in the battle against even more protected units. Musketeers (XVIII century). In fact, this type of soldier is one of the best in the game. They are useful and absolutely effective against all types of troops. But of course there is always a flaw and the flaw of this unit is that they are quite expensive. Archers and grenadiers.
These units are simply irreplaceable, if you need to destroy buildings and walls, especially if they are fully improved. In addition, they are extremely good in the battle against live players who are much smarter than conventional AI. Heavy infantry. Excellent units, capable to almost completely “absorb” a huge amount of incoming damage. As a rule, heavy infantry is used to protect the infantry units, but no one can forbid you to send them into battle.
Light infantry. Frankly – useless units. Island tribe 3 puzzle pieces. They may pose a threat solely in large quantities, but that’s all. Artillery. Those units that are capable of destroying almost everything what they can get.
A large number of artillery troops can destroy almost an6y enemy army. Mortar. The most effective units against towers. So if you are going to destroy a couple of enemy towers, then mortar is what you need. Small ships.
Typically, these “boats” are used solely for the purpose of exploration. Otherwise simply useless, of course, if you do not have a whole armada of “ships”.
Large ships. Well, as expected – a perfect solution for any problem. Especially effective during the siege of an enemy town.
Return of the legendary Cossacks! A large-scale historical strategy on great battles of the XVII-XVIII centuries.Modern remake of the best 2001 strategy, with armies numbering in thousands of warriors and reconciled game mechanics. It’s a genuine RTS classic, including construction and production of resources.
A vast selection of unit types, cold steel and firearms, influence of the landscape, and the realistic physics provide the player with an unlimited number of tactical opportunities.Impressive scope.Up to 32,000 units on the battlefield! 20 playing nations, 120 various types of playing units, 100 scientific researches, and over 220 diverse historical buildings.Classical gameplay.Real-time strategy with construction, production of resources, and the development tree.
Naval battles, influence of the landscape and the realistic physics provides the player with a vast number of tactical moves.Multiplayer.Breathtaking battles for up to 8 players on the map. Possibility to unite into teams or to play against the computer. Flexible customization of random maps with selection of the desired landscape.Game features.