Firefall Lyrics

Get the embed code Firefall - Firefall Reunion Live Album Lyrics1.Cinderella (Live)2.Get You Back (Live)3.It Doesn't Matter (Live)4.Just Remember I Love You (Live)5.Mexico (Live)6.So Long (Live)7.Someday Soon (Live)8.Strange Way (Live)9.Sweet and Sour (Live)10.You Are the Woman (Live)Firefall Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.comNote: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). This is just a preview!
Firefall 'Just Remember I Love You': When it all goes crazy and the thrill is gone The days get rainy and the nights get long When you ge.
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Last night it snowed for the first time
Everything's covered in white
How many months till the springtime
Its a long winters night
I have to go, I feel I'm sinkin'
I just don't know
But I can't stop thinkin'
Somewhere that's close to the ocean
Somewhere that's warm and alive
Somewhere to sleep in the open
With the sun in my eyes
I have to go, I feel I'm sinkin'
I just don't know
But I can't stop thinkin'

Kitten cannon flash. Kitten Cannon is a fun and addictive high score game where you launch a poor kitty out of a cannon and send him flying. Enjoy some good laughs while the cat can high all sorts of explosives along with way. KITTEN CANNON PLAY KITTEN CANNON FLASH GAME. This has to be one of the most popular flash games around. Even on this backwater of a site the game is played nearly 15,000 times a month I guess only a few people can resist a kitten and cannon combination. Kitten Cannon: Kitten Canon is a classic physics game. Fluffy has found his way into your cannon again, that dang cat just never listens and doesn't care! The only way you can teach it a lesson is by firing that cannon into a field of bombs, spikes, springs, and other awesome obstacles! From the mind of Dan Fleming comes a game that only Dan Fleming could invent: Kitten.
Winter wind blowin' and Lord but they sting
Summer wind sing to me and promise me everything
Blue skies and sunshine wherever I go
Sweet Senoritas are waiting to love me I know