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Good Single-player! It’s a form of gameplay that is supposedly dead. Or at the very least, there is a subset of people who would have you believe that there’s another subset of people very much interested in killing it. Personally, I tend to think single-player is an unfortunate victim of the gaming industry’s version of climate change.But, traditions die only when they stop being practiced. While some traditions are definitely harmful, I should at least hope that some of them are wholesome and worth preserving.
I tend to think single-player experience is one of those good, wholesome traditions. These games aren’t necessarily single-player exclusive, a lot of them have a solid multiplayer component, but single-player is the thing that is the most important for them. And unfortunately no consoles, so I can’t write about God of War, which is a terrible shame (I heard it won an award or something).There are multiple different characters to choose from, each with very different cards (which work as moves) and lending themselves better or worse to strategies you might know from other card games, like playing “control” or “aggro”. Different enemies also have different resistances to any given strategy, so there’s an undeniable element of luck to how well you’ll be able to fare with each specific run through the titular spire. Key features. A fantastic blend of roguelikes and.
Several distinct characters with unique playstyles. You always know what moves your enemies are going to make. Clear, easy to understand rules. GenreAction RPGRelease year2017WAAAAAAAGH-aitSet in the world of Tolkien’s famous fantasy saga, Middle-earth: Shadow of War focuses mostly on the land of Mordor and its prime inhabitants, the orcs, despite what the title says. These orcs come in many different types and sizes and throughout the game, your main goal is to either fight them or mind-control them into joining your army. Basically, collect them like murder-happy, bad-smelling Pokemon, and then use them to do your bidding. It’s good to be a half-dead human warrior with the spirit of the ancient Elven lord.There’s, of course, an element to it with a fun story and all that, additionally supplemented with plenty of character customization and a solid complete with stealth mechanics, but for the most part, it’s all about orcs.
And you’d be surprised, but orc collecting is a serious affair, it’s dozens of hours of legit content. Key features. The next iteration of the Nemesis system from the first game. Expanded combat manoeuvres. You get to lay siege and capture fortresses across Mordor. Strong action RPG aspects, especially through the inventory system.Functionally, the gameplay is very familiar to those of you who played the first BioShock. You can use a combination of various ranged weapons and special powers depleting your energy reserves to dispatch enemies.
You can also solve some light environmental puzzles to obtain hidden rewards. The game doesn’t have much replay value beyond the first playthrough, but it’s certainly worth visiting once. Key features. The third instalment of the acclaimed first-person shooter series. An interesting setting taking the action from the ocean to the skies. A mind-bending storyline involving alternate realities. Superpowers return once again via Vigors.There’s a small component of replayability in the form of the player having a choice to make the game harder with additional difficulty options which can make enemies stronger, more aggressive etc.
These can be changed in real time giving you the joy of flexibility. There’s also an RPG component of character progression, so you can approaching the game with a different tactic. Key features. A unique weapon of the protagonist. An oppressive, technological setting.
Solid moment-to-moment action. Evocative aesthetic.There isn’t much story to Dead Cells, but the tactical depth in this game is undeniable. There’re hundreds of different possible combinations of weapons, abilities and perks and all customizable to suit your specific playstyle. Then, of course, there’s also the aspect of randomization which, while it doesn’t appeal to everyone, will definitely extend the longevity of this game. Key features. Fantastic, tight combat system.
Beautiful pixel-based visual style. A good dose of humour. Procedurally generated levels.Darkest Dungeon isn’t the most inviting of video games. In fact, it takes a lot of time and effort to understand its intricacies and even once you think you do, it tends to surprise you moments later anyway. But that only means there’s more content to you to enjoy. While not a game for everybody, those who will appreciate it will find themselves enjoying playing it for a long, long time.
Key features. A one of the kind tactics game placing importance on the fighters’ mental health. Dark themes are assisted by excellent art direction. Procedurally generated deadly dungeons. Playing it carelessly will inevitably end in failure.There’s a lot to like about Far Cry 5, from beautiful and lively geography, through environmental storytelling, to the unparalleled freedom in approaching the game however you want. Far Cry 5’s gameplay loop of locate - explore - blow up never really gets old. And you can have a cougar companion.
Key features. The first Far Cry game taking place in the United States. Your enemy is a Doomsday cult. You can recruit several helpful companions.
There is a not necessarily canon, but very fun DLC which takes you to Mars.Andromeda is something of a soft reboot to the series, taking place in an entirely different galaxy, but it certainly keeps the core components of the series, the space fantasy of communicating, finding common ground and possibly even love with alien races, exploration of distant worlds, and a grand-scale, cosmic conflict. There’s a great multiplayer component to the game too, but even without it, there’s a lot of replay value with character customization and branching story. Key features. Several explorable planets and new civilisations to discover in the Andromeda galaxy.
Flexible character progression. Much more vertically oriented than its predecessors, thanks to the jetpack.
Takes place hundreds of years after the Shepard trilogy.The Witcher 3 boasts an expansive world which tells you its story completely organically. You walk around, you meet people and get embroiled in their little stories and there are hundreds of those.
In addition of course to the epic main storyline which serves as a conclusion to 2 previous games and 5 fantasy books. And manages to do that without losing its audience. Key features.
One of the best open world action RPGs of the recent years. The conclusion of Geralt of Rivia’s story. Two fantastic expansions. Stunning graphics.
GenreAction RPG, Hack & SlashRelease year2017What I like to call “collaborative single-player”Nier: Automata occupies a very special place on this list because it’s a single-player experience, unlike any other game. While I can’t describe it in a way that wouldn’t contain spoilers, I can say that the playthroughs of other players play an absolutely pivotal role in your ability to finish the game and get to the true ending. While it’s a solitary journey for each player, you have no choice but walk in the footsteps of titans that came before you.Nier: Automata does a lot of things right. It’s a very imaginative hack & slash that plays around with many core mechanics in ways that are wholly unique to it, from the perspective to saving the game. It’s an exciting journey that requires multiple attempts to see to its true end, but it’s truly worth every bit of time.
It had to be at the very top of this list because it redefines what a ‘single-player experience’ even means. Key features. A hectic action game about stylish androids.
Many thought-out references to philosophers. A full playthrough plays over several distinct storylines. Diverse gameplay: from slasher to bullet hell.This time you have three characters to play as: main man Dante himself, Nero coming back from Devil May Cry 4, and a newcomer V, who’s fighting style revolves around wrecking enemies with summons and finishing them with a cane. On the story front we’re facing the last (?) chapter in the story of descendants of Sparda. It’s great fun all around if you love absurdly intense slashers.
Key features. The combat system alone would be enough to make this game great. Three very distinct playable characters sharing the screentime.
Plenty of neat details and secret interactions to discover. New designs and RE Engine make DMC5 look incredible.See, the thing about Disco Elysium is that you, an amnesiac disaster of a detective, are in constant conversation with your stats, and they have their own ideas.
Invest too much into an attribute or a skill and they will be a very hard to ignore influence on your available decisions. And there’s the whole “thought internalisation” that may turn you towards some ideology or stance. Key features. A one of a kind RPG interested in both what your character does AND what he thinks. Your attributes and skills butt into your interactions with the world and people around you.
Watercolour-inspired aesthetic. One of the top rated games of 2019.Although the series has a linear progression from one mission to another, within each mission you’re given free reign to do where you want, and do as you please. You can use your abilities, gadgets, and the environment in very creative ways. Stopping time to possess a guard and walk him in front of a crossbow bolt he just fired at you is just beginner’s stuff in this series. Key features.
Well designed mechanics encourage player experimentation. Four playable characters across three standalone titles. Intriguing setting with dark cults, indifferent godlike entities, and “whale” oil-punk instead of steam-punk. Linear progression from one non-linear level to another.Of course, the action is the most important, and id Software didn’t disappoint. Every so often you end up in a large space surrounded by demons charging at you, flinging fireballs, or being a nuisance in other ways, and you have to bob and weave between attacks, shoot them to pieces, punch them to death to get health, and carve them up with a chainsaw for ammo.
It’s glorious. Key features.
There’s a level-creation mode letting you make your own maps. The music tracks work very well with the carnage you unleash upon demons. The guns feel appropriately powerful.
More lore than you’d expect.Unless the camera moves during the more intense specials or pre- and post-match minicutscenes, the game is virtually indistinguishable from a 2D traditional animation. And it retains the tight, lightning-fast, technical gameplay the previous entries are known for. If you enjoy anime aesthetic, great music, and excellent fighting games, absolutely give Guilty Gear Xrd a shot. Key features.
3D graphics masterfully disguised as 2D. Large roster of colourful individuals. Gameplay polished by veterans of the fighting game genre. Great soundtrack.Hellblade tells the story of Senua, a Pict warrior, who suffers from psychosis., but she interprets it as a curse. What’s unique about Hellblade is that, provided you play on headphones which help the effect, you will hear the same whispers she does, and they’ll warn you as often as they’ll deceive you. The exploration and combat serve to emphasise the leading theme quite well and adeptly.
Key features. Excellent writing, treating the sensitive topic with respect and considerable accuracy.
Incredibly detailed, nearly lifelike performance capture. Interesting storyline mixing elements of Celtic and Norse mythologies. One of the best single player PC games of the late 2010s.MHW is a game one could launch of half an hour solo (or with a team) hunt and for a few hours of hunting huge monsters for a specific resource.
Harvest moon ds cute bachelors. Nintendo Power.
But there’s also capturing small animals for research and as pets, communicating with native tribes, participating in event quests, or even just putting on a ghillie mantle to explore the maps and watch the wildlife without causing a disturbance. Key features. Good fun whether you play by yourself or with friends online. Beautiful locations and detailed designs of monsters and your equipment alike. Doesn’t take itself too seriously: many cheesy costumes, pun-filled quest names, etc.
Tonnes of weapons, armour, and specialised gear to forge.Opus Magnum is a game about alchemy by way of machinery. You have an elaborate array of tools like various mechanical arms, transmutation spots, and paths for the arms to travel along, and you have to figure out a way to create a desired arrangement of elements.
You can focus on low cost, high efficiency, or even aesthetics of the production cycle, as long as you deliver the product. Key features. A fantastic alchemy-themed puzzle game letting you find you own solutions. The tools are easy to understand, but allow for absurdly complicated constructions. Simple graphics which never distract you from the goal. There’s an intriguing optional puzzle minigame you can play between core tasks.The story takes place years before RDR1, and Van Der Linde’s ganga is still together.
However, you don’t play as John Marston, this time the playable character is Arthur Morgan, Van Der Linde’s right hand. In-between taking in the details of the world you’ll take part in heist and robberies, and try to stave off the looming dissolution of the gang over many of its ongoing problems. Key features. One of the best games for one player to immerse themselves in, and great as Red Dead Online too. In Red Dead Online you and your friends can form your own posse. A prequel to the first Red Dead Redemption. The singleplayer campaign, just like in RDR1, is a must-play.Each playable faction is unique, usually suited for some playstyles more than others.
If you have both instalments of the series, you can merge them into a massive singleplayer campaign, which is a certifiably great idea. Both games received continuous support, especially Total War: Warhammer 2 saw several batches of additional content, like the Tomb Kings or the Vampire Coast factions. Key features. Excellent adaptations of a fan-favourite setting to a Total War formula. If you have both games, you unlock the Mortal Empires open-ended campaign. Each faction has a unique playstyle. Easily one of the best games in the Total War series.XCOM 2 has fantastic soldier customisation, both visual, and mechanical with several available classes.
There is a huge War of the Chosen expansion which adds new factions, enemies, and systems such as bonds soldiers can form on the battlefield. There’s even a challenge mode, where players from all over the world compete to complete preset scenarios as efficiently as possible. Key features. Excellent science fiction turn-based tactics game. Several worthwhile DLCs and expansions.
Deep soldier customisation. You fight for humanity’s survival against alien overlords. Singles onlyArguably there’s a big cross-section between this list and our top, for a simple reason: the requirement to always be online is heavily associated with DRM, but the difference is down to personal preferences.The triple-A publishers seem to be greatly slacking off when it comes to single player experiences lately and yet when Game Awards rolled in, not only did God of War win the first place, most of the games nominated for different categories were all single-player focused projects. I think it’s quite telling.So with that, I leave you and wish you long and satisfying hours of playtime.
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