Gratuitous Space Battles Mods

Mod Beta v0.80 Old Version Sep 22 2012 Gratuitous Space Battles-Mass Effect Mod Demo Second Beta Fixes some problems and better install/unistall( IMPORTANT! You have to make an clean install if you have the old beta)Be sure to remove the. The Plague is a mod for Gratuitous Space Battles, created by Pra3t0r5. Evolution led to the most intelligent lifeforms growing up, exploring, advancing and colonizing the entirety of the universe, filling it with the beauty of life with it's creativity.
What can be modded in GSB2?GSB2 is a very mod-friendly game. The game data is loaded from text and csv files to make modding easy. This means it is easy to mod in new content such as scenarios, ship hulls, new ship components and also ship modules such as new varieties of beam laser or armor for your ships.Can you change the look of the ships?You can do this in the basic game, without modding, as it is a big part of the games basic design and already built-in.
The ships are designed from a combination of a basic 'hull' and lots of smaller components that you drag and drop onto the ship design. In terms of further customization, you can add new components to ships as a modder if you simply provide the art files and also a text file which describes how the new component works. Unlike the original game, GSB2 uses awesome lighting effects which means your new ship component will need a bump-map as well as a basic sprite. For more information on thisWhat tools do I need to mod the game?To edit scenarios, ship hulls and modules, you only need a text editor (and also preferably a spreadsheet/csv editor such as Microsoft Excel to make things simpler).
That data is just text so easy to edit or copy. To add new ship components you are likely to need a 3Dmodelling program so you can create the proper bump-maps for your artwork. The actually art files for the game are saved out as DDS files which may require a (free) plug-in.Can we add new weapons and ship modules?Yes, this is easy.
The modules data for the game is found in datamodulesshipmodules.csv, but the text displayed to the player is in datalanguagesLANGUAGENAMEmodulestext.csv. These spreadsheets contain all the data that is needed to describe a module for the game. The headers at the top of each column describe the values that the game reads in and uses for each module. There is no limit to how many you can add.Can we design our own scenarios?Yes, this is easy to do as scenarios are simple text files.
You can see the basic ones that come with the game inside datascenarios. The easiest way to add new ones is to take an existing scenario and edit it, making sure you change it's map position so that it isn't hidden behind an existing one! You can enter higher map positions that already exist and the map will automatically scale to make your new scenario visible. You can even add your own 'plot' description to a new scenario which is displayed to the player when they select it.My question isn't answered hereFor information omn Creating New Ship Components, readFor information on How to package you mod up so that the game recognizes it, readWe will add a LOT more information closer to the games release, and will also be answering technical questions regarding modding the game on our forums which you can.

Naeva geophysics. Posts: 194Joined: 1/4/2008From: FranceStatus: offlinequote:Heh, you should link to the original game upon which this is based. Just sayin'.;)Everything is in the title of the mod.quote:how do you manage to have different colors of exhausts depending of the ships/races?This is not me who decides, this is the game.
I added just a blue line on the models once amended.For information, the update is not for today, but rather for the weekend. Posts: 447Joined: 2/11/2010From: BlightyStatus: offlineIf you credit the artwork to GSB/Positech and don't make money from the mod then I cannot see a problem. Plus, it is good free advertising for GSB.Yes/No?How many people over the years have made Star Trek or Star Wars mods for various games. Millions I would say. Don't forget, we are only talking about still images here not full games. I know there was a problem with Teardown and Games workshop.
So all the Teardown did was change the names. As far as I could see all the graphics images stayed the same, plus this game is/was free. Posts: 735Joined: Status: offlineI think it can get a bit convoluted if you don't have permission.
For example, if it is deemed that making a mod, even if it is free, hinders the sales of GSB and GalCiv then there may be a case for compensation. And from Matrix' position, if the files are available through their servers etc then they can be seen to be publishing the mod which could muddy the waters for them as well. Personally I think it is beneficial for them to allow it because it cross-promotes their games. Not sure about where StarTrek and StarWars are on this issue but I assume they turn a blind eye because it is made by and for fans of their movies so it gives them a longer life. Not sure how you would go if you used Disney characters but I think the story would be quite different.Best to ask for permission as Erik said. Posts: 194Joined: 1/4/2008From: FranceStatus: offlineDrillerman thank you, I feel myself less alone.I was going to take that kind of talk.
I do not think the Stars Wars mod and the Star Trek mod have received the licenses to create their mod. Yet they are under development.Gbs and GalCiv2 are excellent games, with completely different gameplay of Dw, why prohibit advertising for them. Especially since I do not sell the mod, is just for the community. Just for pleasure of gamers.Their images and their worlds remain wholly owned by Positech and of Stardock.
Posts: 1813Joined: 1/16/2006Status: offlinequote:ORIGINAL: Erik RutinsNicodede62,Did you receive permission from Positech to use their art for a mod? I didn't realize until the recent posts above that you might have started this without their blessing.
I think you should contact them if you have not and ask them if they are fine with this.Regards,- Eriknicodede62,All Erik is saying here is that it would be appropriate and if nothing else a proper courtesy to ask cliff the GSB developer if he is alright with his artwork being used.Personally I think he'll probably be alright with it and happy at the advertising he'll get.He's getting one additional sale for the full game bundle from me later today or tomorrow and thats thanks to you posting this mod and letting me know GSB existed! Posts: 7869Joined: 7/24/2007From: The Big NowhereStatus: offlineAlso, Erik is spot on about needing to ask permission. Technically the BSG and SW modders should do the same. The owner of the copyright does have the right to approve or deny any use of their copyrighted material, and in this case if the owner sues, he/she/they will win. It's the techincality of the whether or not the copyright owner would sue is another quesiton.more likely they'd simply send a cease and desist letter via an attorney.Most of the time its better to ask permission rather than beg legal matters, forgiveness almost always involves a cash settlement.The only thing that might help with the BSG and SW (SW in particular) is the fact that it is widely distributed and could be considered part of the public domain. Nba ballers game. Also, I believe the BSG and SW modders have created their own models, which makes somewhat of a difference.Not being a jerk, just pointing out that in all 3 cases, Erik's suggestion of asking permission would be prudent.