Modern Warfare Maps

Oct 25, 2019 LOCK and load, gamers: the new Call of Duty game is nearly here, and we've got snaps of all the confirmed maps. It's time to scrub up on your Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Multiplayer maps in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Page Tools.Modern Warfare has a lot of maps and unlike previous games that followed a three-lane design to keep the action tight and constant, the maps in this iteration of Call of Duty vary greatly.A return to form in some ways, there are small, medium and large maps that allow for not only the return of long-range sniping, but camping and other classic Call of Duty strategies as well. Playing through each map will take a while as some appear more often than not, so if you're looking to know what each map in Modern Warfare is, this guide has you covered.
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Running and gunning is strong suit, combining satisfying weapons with an addictive progression system to keep players engaged for hundreds of hours. Continues this trend by both innovating and reverting to classic boots on the ground combat.RELATED:One way innovated was the map design, focusing more on power positions rather than standard three-lane map design. This was arguably a failure at launch, with only two or three maps players enjoyed. Over time, Infinity Ward has added plenty of maps that suit any game mode.
Here are the 10 best maps in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Atlas Superstore is a map that tries to blend Modern Warfare's more open-ended map design with classic three-lane Call of Duty design.It does so well enough, with plenty of elevation and flanking routes in this large warehouse. Climbing up a stack of boxes and unloading on a lane of enemies is fun to do, but spawns can quickly become an issue. The exterior of the building acts as a safe spot for spawns, but those entrances can easily be spawn camped. With that issue aside, Atlas Superstore is a fun map that doesn't do anything exceptionally well or poorly. 9 Azhir Cave. Modern Warfare's original map roster encouraged camping more than any other Call of Duty to date.
Azhir Cave isn't privy to these problems, but it certainly handles it better than most maps.A massive cave covers half of the map that has great sightlines into the other half. The right half of the map contains destroyed buildings and open terrain, which encourages teams to fight near the cave. Thanks to plentiful flanking options, Azhir Cave is much more fun to play than most of Modern Warfare's original maps. This map's main flaw is objective-based modes do not play well here, encouraging players to camp objectives.
Backlot map has returned in Modern Warfare. While it feels similar, this remake plays much differently than the original map, for better and worse.RELATED:Camping is, unsurprisingly, an issue in Backlot since certain buildings allow for some long sightlines. Shotgun users will likely stick inside and wait for targets, as the streets of this map are littered with gunfire from enemies. Thankfully, this map's overall flow remains intact for more intense 5v5 matches like Search and Destroy. If you play objective-heavy modes on Talsik Backlot, it's a complete blast. If you play deathmatch-style modes, give this map a skip. Many fans criticize Rammaza as a stalemate map due to great vantage points that can result in camping.
While this can be an issue in certain objective-based modes, Rammaza has great map flow in more traditional game types.Kill Confirmed and Hardpoint are where Rammaza truly shines. The cluster of interiors means that long sightlines don't exist for snipers to exploit. Instead, players will gravitate towards shotguns or SMGs to get the upper hand. As long as you can quickly check your corners and love close-ranged gunfights, Rammaza is more enjoyable than most give it credit for. Via:One of Modern Warfare's most recent additions, Hovec Sawmill is a great return to more classic Call of Duty map design. It certainly has lanes, but it isn't the predictable three-lane flow that most games have struggled to deviate from.Most gunfights happen indoors with a few windows overlooking sections of the map. Unlike most of Modern Warfare's maps, the sightlines on Sawmill don't allow players to dominate the entire map by camping.
Aggressive play is encouraged thanks to plentiful cover, which that the Call of Duty franchise excels at. Arguably one of the most history, Crash has made its triumphant return in Modern Warfare. This game's sandbox compliments this classic map more than it has any right to.Double time and powerful shotguns have made Crash an adrenaline-fueled experience that only Modern Warfare 2's version can match. Medium-ranged gunfights in the streets keep objective modes interesting while the map's interiors help keep close-range weapons in check. Even snipers can use the rooftop near the crashed helicopter for some kills, although be prepared to get rushed or blown up with a well-placed grenade.
Via:During Modern Warfare's development, Infinity Ward made it clear that they wanted to deviate from the common tri-lane map design that previous Call of Duty games were known for. It sounded great in theory, but most fans.That is why Hackney Yard is considered one of Modern Warfare's best maps.
It is the perfect example of a three-lane map with sightlines that intersect. The map has an obvious flow that makes gunfights enjoyable.
Objective modes are also fun thanks to running across rooftops or jumping over walls. More Modern Warfare maps need to take inspiration from Hackney Yard. 3 Gun Runner. Gun Runner is also somewhat of a tri-lane map with methods of switching lanes, but the way buildings are used in this map make it one of Modern Warfare's most intense offerings.RELATED:Vents and small rooms compliment the open-ended areas nicely. Many will argue that campers are an issue in this map, but flushing out enemies from vents or buildings is much easier on this map than most. You need to play this map slower than most classic Call of Duty maps, but the intensity it provides makes this trade-off worth it. Vacant is Infinity Ward's Nuketown, having been made 4 separate times now.
Each iteration of Vacant keeps the intense gameplay and charm from its debut in Call of Duty 4, and Modern Warfare is no exception.This map isn't large enough to make snipers a no-brainer, but it also isn't small enough to where shotguns dominate. A healthy mix of long hallways and small rooms make for some great outplay potential on any mode. Spawn camping is less of an issue on Vacant as well.
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No matter the game mode, Vacant is incredibly fun to fight on. While Shipment might not have transferred well into Modern Warfare, Vacant certainly has. 1 Shoot House. Shoot House is the best map in Modern Warfare and arguably the Call of Duty franchise. Going back to basics, Shoot House is a simple close-quarters map with just enough angles to keep it interesting.Shipment crates and wooden structures provide cover and keep everyone on their toes. Turning around a corner could reveal an enemy right next to you, which would normally encourage players to camp.
There are no great camping spots in Shoot House, forcing players to get into the rhythm of running and gunning. This map is so great that Infinity Ward had playlists that ran just this map to universal praise. Shoot House can hang with some of Call of Duty's classic maps and is easily the best map in Modern Warfare.NEXT.