Sfg Soccer Football Fever Game

SFG Soccer download. Football Fever is the Windows version of the hit Xbox 360 indoor soccer game.
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5 February 2010 LEAMINGTON SPA, UK Blitz Arcade (adivision of Blitz Games Studios) signs SFG Soccer: Football Fever to its Blitz 1UP label.Due for worldwide release on PC in March 2010, SFG Soccer: Football Fever brings fast-pacedfootwork to the PC.
A new and improved update of the popular Xbox LIVE Indie Gamestitle SFG Soccer, SFG Soccer: Football Fever has been developed byStir Fry Games with the help of Blitz 1UP.
SFG Soccer: Football Fever is a six-on-six soccergame, with pick up and play controls and deepRPG-style player progression. Theres even a full leaguesystem, which you can play co-op or solo while leading your team tobattle it out in the 1st Division Championship Game. The new PCversion will also boast customizable teams and leagues, so you canchallenge your friends to become the reigning champions. Usebicycle kicks, headers, one-touch passes, slide-tackles and instantreplays, it's all here, with a host of special features:
Fast, addictive, arcade-style game play
Easy to learn controls
RPG-style team improvement and levelling systems
Deep multi-season Career Mode, featuring 64 teams fromaround the world.
This is a tremendous opportunity, says AndyKwiatkowski, owner of Stir Fry Games. Working with awell-established company such as Blitz Games Studios is a big stepin increasing both the quality and the profile of our games.'
The Xbox LIVE Indie Games release of SFG Soccer was agreat success, receiving fantastic reviews and great support fromthe community, says Chris Swan, Blitz ArcadesBusiness Development Director. We are really looking forwardto working with Stir Fry Games to bring an even more polished andplayable version of the game to PC portals through Blitz1UP.
To follow Blitz1UP on Twitter, go to www.Twitter.com/Blitz1UP
To follow Blitz1UP on Facebook, go to: http://bit.ly/dil92R
For more information:
Please contact: Izzy Miller, PR Coordinator, Blitz GamesStudios
T: +44 (0) 1926 880000
E: emiller@BlitzGamesStudios.com
About Blitz 1UP, Blitz Arcade and Blitz GamesStudios:
The Blitz 1UP initiative is run by Blitz Arcade and was launchedin 2008 as an outlet for small, independent teams to bring theirtitles finished and unfinished to market on XBLA,PSN, PC, WiiWare, iPhone and Flash. The scheme offers tailor-madepackages to indie developers including PR, QA and access to itsestablished distribution channels. The initiative provides a widerange of services, from design and production advice through toassistance with finding distribution and publishing partners. www.Blitz1UP.com . Blitz Arcade is a division ofBlitz Games Studios, which is based in Leamington Spa and wasfounded in 1990. Its six divisions encompass mature titles(Volatile Games), Serious Games (TruSim), family titles (BlitzGames), proprietary middleware (BlitzTech), downloadable games(Blitz Arcade) and its education division (Blitz Academy). www.BlitzGamesStudios.com
About Stir Fry Games:
Stir Fry Games is an independent games developer based inGuelph, Canada. It was formed by ex-Rockstar Games employee AndyKwiatkowski in 2009. Alienation synonym. www.StirFryGames.com
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07 MAY 2010 LEAMINGTON SPA, UK Blitz 1UP havetoday launched SFG Soccer: Football Fever for PC, an updatedversion of the hit Xbox Live Indie Games arcade football title,developed by Stir Fry Games. The game is out today on Blitz1UP.com,Ztorm, GameStreamer Impulse, Real and GamersGate.
With the World Cup looming, now is the time to get some practicein and start your own championship. SFG Soccer: Football Fever is a six-on-six soccergame with deep RPG-style player progression and levelling systems.Theres also the chance to challenge your friends, with up tofour local players supported. Theres even a full leaguesystem, which you can play co-op or solo while leading your team tobattle it out in the 1st Division Championship Game. Use bicyclekicks, headers, one-touch passes, slide-tackles and instantreplays, it's all here, with a host of special features:
Easy to learn controls, suitable for the whole family
Fast, addictive, arcade-style game play
New enhancements include mouse controls, and a two-button'Casual Mode' for more laid back gamers
Customizable teams and leagues
Multi-season Career Mode, featuring 64 teams from aroundthe world.
With every, man, woman and child across the globe gearingup for a summer of football madness we are extremely pleased to behelping Stir Fry Games bring their amazing Xbox Live Indie Gamessmash to PC gamers the world over, says Blitz 1UP Producer,Neil Holmes.
Adds Stir Fry Games Andy Kwiatkowski: This is thefootball game Ive always wanted to make. Working with theterrific Blitz 1UP team has really helped to take SFG Soccer to thenext level.
For screenshots please go to the Blitz 1UP Flickr Page.
For developers interested in discussing further opportunitieswith the Blitz 1UP initiative, see: www.blitz1UP.com/details or email blitz1UP@blitzgamesstudios.com
Visit us at: www.Blitz1UP.com
To follow Blitz 1UP on FB, go here: www.facebook.com/Blitz1UP
To follow Blitz 1UP on Twitter, go here: www.twitter.com/Blitz1UP
Media contacts:
For all enquiries outside of the US, contact Elizabeth Miller,Blitz Games Studios PR Coordinator at emiller@blitzgamesstudios.com.
For US enquiries only, contact Doug Mealy, Online Marketing andPublic Relations, at dmealy@om-pr.com.
About Blitz 1UP:
The Blitz 1UP initiative was launched in 2008 as an outlet forsmall, independent teams to bring their titles finished andunfinished to market on XBLA, PSN, PC, WiiWare, iPhone andFlash. The scheme offers tailor-made packages to indie developersincluding PR, QA and access to its established distributionchannels. The initiative provides a wide range of services, fromdesign and production advice through to assistance with findingdistribution and publishing partners. www.Blitz1UP.com.
About Blitz Games Studios:
Blitz Games Studios is based in Leamington Spa and was foundedin 1990 by industry veterans Andrew and Philip Oliver and now hasmore than 200 staff. Its six divisions encompass mature titles(Volatile Games), Serious Games (TruSim), family titles (BlitzGames), licensable middleware (BlitzTech), downloadable games(Blitz Arcade) and its education division (Blitz Academy). www.BlitzGamesStudios.com
About Stir Fry Games:
Stir Fry Games is an independent games developer based inGuelph, Canada. It was formed by ex-Rockstar Games employee AndyKwiatkowski in 2009. www.StirFryGames.com