Team Fortress 2 Pyro

Yo! Sorry guys, but I was sick with the flu again, type B this time, and I was in bed eating hot chips just so I could breath out my nose. Anyway, This is just my opinion. Nobody has to see the pyro the way I see it. Enjoy! Note: I do not own any of the valve characters.
Pyro dusted of the filth of upward off its suit. Pyro no longer knew what was behind its mask. When it first started, it was hard to tell whether pyro was a male or female, or even human. The world never knew. Pyro was just about ready to get back to base when the blue spy came up behind it.
Free 2-day shipping on qualified orders over $35. Buy Team Fortress 2 Red Pyro Sweater at Meet the Pyro is the last 'Meet the Team' video made by Valve Animations. It was released in 2012. The Pyro is supposedly an arsonist/pyromaniac. When the video starts, there is a shot of Pyro walking towards what appears to be a town.
'Not bad, but next time, my comrades will win.' the spy said nonchalantly.
'Mphh, Mphoh mphi a phooh mphd, Mphy.' Pyro muttered back.
Just about halfway back to base, Pyro ran into scout.
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'Oh Hey!' Scout cried, 'Uh, Pyro, I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but .. eh .. what's under that mask of your's?' the Bostonian asked.
I shoulda maybe not have even asked that question, the scout thought
'Mooy, mph mphhhhh mphhhh mphhh mphhhioh.' Pyro said, sadness in its voice.
'Ok, I heard that heavy is making a steak dinner tonight. See you then!' scout cried.
Now, to pyro, scout was only polite to pyro and the demoman. Pyro mainly though because he feared pyro's flamethrower, and demoman's habit of lashing out if he was too angry. Pyro continued walking back to base. The smell of heavenly steak filled the air as pyro came back to the base. Now all of the mercenaries were good cooks, including Engineer, Heavy, and Pyro. Engineer stared in things like bacon and burgers. Heavy's specialty was large meat, like steak, and sandwiches. Pyro was good at cooking anything should it put its mind to it. Come to think of it, pyro hadn't eaten in the last few days because sniper and scout had cooked the last few days. Sniper made a few of the birds he shot down outside into some tender meat, but he burnt the food. Scout had managed to make his food the equivalent to the mutated bread. Only, it was pasta that slowly ate forks. He said that he had stolen marasmus's book called the Pastanomicon.
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'Hsk, I do not know why the spy was able to backstabbe me at the last moment, heavy, but at least we won!' medic bickered.
'But Spy took sandvich after last battle. Tiny baby man will have pain.' Heavy said.
'Oh, 'ello pyro. Ye just missed heavy's amasin' feast of a steak. Ha, I don't think I've ever 'ad a steak dat' good!' demoman cried out to pyro.
Pyro hit itself with its rubber glove. Pyro just stubble upstairs to where the rooms were. Pyro went into its room and locked the door. Pyro didn't notice that the red spy had sneaked into its room, waiting with the cloak and dagger. Spy just wanted to find out what the pyro's gender was. If it was a female he would at least take pictures of it. Pyro slowly took off the suit. But before much was shown, pyro grabbed the Sharpened Volcano Fragment from under the bed and took a swing. Pyro's spy senses were tingling. Pyro sliced at where spy was and set him on fire.
'I do believe I am on Fire.' spy said calmly.
pyro just beckoned him to the door and spy calmly went out. pyro did some more checks around the room and found nothing. Pyro started again to take of its suit. Slowly, a red T-shirt came out with meduim boobs streching through the shirt. No more than a B-cup. Pyro's face was like silk, soft and smooth. Her eyes were a light green. Her hair was red, and her pants were baggy jeans that were blue. Even though you might think that both the pyros were the same, they actually wern't. The blue pyro had blonde hair and her shirt was blue and her jeans were black. She had a ponytail. Both pyros had the same basic feature though. As the red pyro went for her bed, a booming sound echoed throughout the base. Pyro found hereself falling, down into the kitchen. All the mercinarys just stared. Demoman didn't seem to mind though.
'Ah' told ye that Pyro was a lass! And you made me half' to destroy er' room! I get me 30 dollars though!' Demoman said.

Pyro started turning pink, then red, then she started blushing like mad. Quickly, she pulled the covers over her head and sobbed.
'Now see what ye done? YE MADE ME GO THROUGH ALL THE TROUBLE FOR THIS?! Give the lass some space!' Demoman shouted.
All the mercenaries went back to their places as engineer started to put pyro's room back up. Heavy helped put the area back up, as demoman comforted pyro. As demoman went out of the room, he heard a rip. He paid no mind to it as he went down the hallway. When he went back to his room, he felt where the rip came from. He reached at his back and saw a note.
'Thanks for understanding, Pyro' The note said.
'Bloody hell.' Demoman said as he felt himself fall into a drunken sleep.
So yea! My favorite classes to play: Pyro, Demoman, and spy were all major characters in this story. ALSO, MOST my stories are on hold. Thanks!
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